Racism Created Race

As we learned in Professor Block’s lectures, the idea of race was created as a result of racism. Racism is not an idea or an attitude, it is the actions taken against a certain group based on a double standard of race. In context, this means that because the class of white people that were in charge wanted to stay on top and remain in charge, they dehumanized people of color, especially black people, so it would create a divide between the races rather than the classes.

This is reminiscent of another point in history that I learned about in English 10, a class taught by Professor Lazo. Bacon’s Rebellion was a major problem for imperialists in the American Colonies because it defied the constraints of race and allowed indentured servants and slaves to work together and be more powerful against the upper class. This was problematic and needed to be handled so that the lower class was not more powerful than the ruling. The way to solve this was to create a racial divide. Tactics were used to make a point of race and to dehumanize people of color so that they were systematically controlled and had no voice.

Not only is it similar to very early American history, racism and the creation of a separation of races is still an issue we face today here in the United States. As President Trump continues to push for the building of a wall between the U.S. and Mexico and the end of immigration from Central and South America, he uses derogatory and dehumanizing terms in order to convince Americans that these people should not be let into our country. These people seeking asylum from dangerous situations and a life of poverty try to come to the United States for a better life and are turned away by the president who believes they are all “animals” and criminals that will steal American jobs. This is a repeat of these past situations because one race is dehumanized and is made to be seen as lesser than white people.

Image result for president trump calling people animals

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