Uncle Rousseau Disappointed by Fake News

What would Rousseau think of the concept of fake news?

Jean-Jacques Rousseau was against all kinds of society in general, and believed we would be better off as people if we were primitive beings with no sense of hierarchy or leadership. He thought any type of hierarchy would decrease personal morality as people would focus on gaining power and control over others rather than doing what is right or what is best for the community. This imbalance of power is what allowed the idea of “fake news” to come into existence to begin with.

In a general sense, richer and more powerful people spread false information and lies to the general population in order to make more people favor their beliefs and think that their way of thinking and living is better than any other way. Rousseau’s ideology of no society, no standards, and no ranking among people would completely contradict the basis of fake news and dislike it. He would believe there was no morality behind it as its main goal is deception for one own personal gain. Actual lies are told in place of fact and truth in order to take advantage of regular people.

Rousseau believed that all men are born into goodness and with virtue but as time goes on, they are soiled by their surroundings. These people are corrupted by poor values and morals as they are raised and exposed to things like power and money.

The idea of progress and man becoming more “sophisticated” is a toxic way of life and we should revert back to our savage and primitive ways to get the most out of life instead of worrying about irrelevant things like fake news and what goes on in the government. Rousseau believes that hierarchy and social constructs are wastes of time and deteriorate the inner goodness and morality we all hold inside of ourselves. We have become too power hungry and will do anything even if it is immoral to hold a higher position and better our own lives.

Uncle Rousseau would be very disappointed in us as a society, as we are becoming too invested in personal gain rather than the greater good with fake news as a prime example of our corruption, lack of morality, and need for power.

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