Global and Domestic

Although the Trump Administration claims they would like to focus more on the needs of Americans rather than help literally anyone in need (e.g. Puerto Rico, Mexico, etc.), we are traditionally a internationally-oriented country. The United States government has a need to get involved in North Korean affairs as they feel threatened by its nationalistic views and lack of fear for American government, military, and power. In the constant nationalist versus global battle, the United States and North Korea are almost always on opposing sides of the front lines. The stereotyping and negative media exposure of both countries by both countries allows dehumanization of other ethnicities, especially and obviously North Koreans in this case, and unadulterated, unjustified hatred to be more accessible and deep-rooted in citizens. The feud is strictly about opposing ways of thinking and running an “empire,” whether it is nationalistic or more internationally-oriented, but it has caused a major global upheaval and situated as opposite to American interest.

A major source of opposition in mainstream American media at this moment in time is the Black Lives Matter Movement. It is seen by some as opposing United States interest and values because they believe it emphasizes the importance of one race over another, undermining the classic American ideal that all ethnicities and people in the United States are equal. This thought process, though seemingly logical, is ignorant and insensitive. This movement was popularized and publicized in order to raise awareness to the systematic racism and oppression that people of color, especially African-Americans, endure in the United States even today. This fight against racial injustice serves to create a fair playing field for all races and create a space for equality within our melting pot country. The movement is stereotyped as an anti-white campaign when that is most definitely not the case. People within the Black Lives Matter movement are villainized and scrutinized by those outside that do not attempt to understand the oppression and systematic injustice people face every day. The campaign is seen as against American values and ideals by supposedly emphasizing one race over another when the opposite has been happening since before the birth of our country. White people and European features have always been the standard of beauty and wealth in the world and when they are suddenly taken down from their pedestal, they believe they are being protested against, when in reality, others are being raised up next to them on their own pedestals to create and even playing field in the world.


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